“We had a tremendous weekend in Richmond, Va. Saturday night was a great service with a good crowd, and the Lord blessed in such a great way. Sunday morning was an especially powerful service. We celebrated Palm Sunday. Tyler introduced the song that Stephen wrote “Blood-stained Freedom”, and a strong spirit of conviction began to settle over the congregation. 3 precious souls came to the altar to be saved. Special prayer was offered for the youth, and almost every young person in the church came forward for prayer. It was a special time of re-dedication for some, and spiritual renewal for all of us. We had a great time of fellowship with Brother and Sister Jones and his mom and dad. They were so kind and hospitable to us. It was a long trip to Virginia, but we came home rejoicing over the great services and the 3 that were saved, and carrying fond memories of the sweet people in Richmond.”
From March 28 – 29, 2015: Meadowood Church of God – Richmond, Va, posted by The Branham Family – Next Generation on 3/31/2015 (88 items)
- Celebrating Palm Sunday!
- 2 little fans with Katie
- She just gave her heart to Jesus!
- Sweet family!
- Photo bombed by the pastor!